Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Response to Bauhaus Lecture

The presentation given by Pr. Glahn about the Bauhaus was supremely interesting. The idea of breaking away from the traditional school of art at that time must have seemed absurd! I've always been more interested in creating accessible art, so that people who may not generally be able to enjoy it, might be able to recognize that they are enjoying it. This might not be quite on topic, but I truly appreciate the Mural Arts Program in Philadelphia for this reason. The more and more I explore some of the city's less favorable neighborhoods, I continue to find these huge murals painted on the sides of buildings. Maybe the people in these neighborhoods can't afford to go to the art museum, or maybe they aren't taught to think about art. They may not even know what First Friday is, but if there is a huge painting in their neighborhood, at least one person is bound to look up and admire a piece of art. That is accessibility. Back to Bauhaus. I also love the idea of functional art, to an extent. When it becomes mass produced then it is no longer as interesting because it becomes the norm. I think a piece of art should be one of a kind, or very rare, which is something the Pr. Glahn talked about.

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